Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School

Waking up at 6:30 this morning to make a special breakfast for the first day back to preschool was a pretty great way to start the day.  The house was quiet, the day full of potential.  And what better breakfast to have than a batch of homemade doughnuts with a side of blackberries?  I don't think any 4 year old could have wished for more (not to mention me because, of course, I had to help him eat them).  


As a back-to-school gift for his teacher we set aside some of the rainbow-sprinkled doughnut holes. Tossing them into a striped paper bag and adding a tag, we were good to go.  Oh, but not until after the obligatory picture on the front steps.


Seriously, friends: I have the cutest kid.  If it's back-to-school time at your house, too, I hope the year holds fabulous things for you.  And plenty of doughnuts.


  1. seriously, you totally do have the cutest kid. oh my gosh, he looks adorable. And that hair! I'm loving it long :)

  2. I saw the pics of the donuts and was so excited for a recipe...but alas! Where's the recipe?!
    And, yes, your boy is all kinds of adorable :)

  3. Ach, how could I forget the link to the recipe? It's linked within the post now. Have fun making them. :)

  4. Your porch is so picturesque! Don't you just love it?! And Brady is so old! And what a way to get in with the teacher - great idea! Enjoy your down time, I know I sure do!

  5. Yummy! What a way to start the first day of school! Darling picture of mr.brady. I have to agree, your front porch is perfect.

  6. Made the so so good. SO good.

  7. I think you win the Mom of the Year AWARD for those divine looking treats! And Brady... what a cutie! He looks so grown up! We sure do miss you guys!
