Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 Resolutions

Happy New Year!  It's been a lovely week here at my house with nothing to do but spend time together and get excited for everything that this next year might hold for us.  As you can see, I'm beginning the year with a fresh start here on the blog.  I wanted to simplify and make everything that I'm doing a little bit more cohesive.  So I've changed the blog's name to Lily Jane (which is also the name of my stationery shop) and I've given it a cleaner, simpler feel.  What do you think?

Fresh, clean starts are so invigorating that I've become quite excited about all the possibilities 2010 might hold.  I haven't been a big resolution person in the past, but this year I have a list that I can't wait to get started on.

  1. Learn to knit, so that maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to knit those stockings I want for next Christmas

  2. Have family night every week, complete with games and dessert to make it something really fun

  3. Grow a garden, with lots of big red tomatoes, crisp cucumbers and fresh herbs

  4. Visit with a few of the ladies from my churchmonthly.  This has been a goal of mine for a long time.  This year it's happening!

  5. Give as many handmade (preferably by me) gifts as possible, from now on through Christmas 2010.  I already have ideas swimming in my head.

  6. Cook one thing each month that I would usually buy at the store, like pickles, salsa and jam.

  7. Write a book.  Something I've already started, actually, but my deadline will be to finish it (at least the first few drafts) before the crystal ball drops on December 31st.

Do you have anything you're itching to do this year? 



  1. Oh, definitely learn to knit. It's my one hobby and I love it!
    (Have you seen The Purl Bee? Great inspiration here and easy, newbie projects:
    Here are my goals for 2010:
    1. Do one thing every day that scares the pee-waddle out of me. This includes most activities related to my blog.
    2. Do at least one thing each day to show my husband how much I respect and love him, even (or especially) when I don’t feel like it. I need to put action to my love for this gorgeous man.
    3. Try to be present in each moment, instead of always wondering, and worrying about, what the next one holds. This one’s a doozy for me. If there was a World Championship Title for Worrying, I’d totally be a contender.
    4. Buy less and use more of what I already own (this applies to my clothes, books and notebooks. Especially notebooks. Most especially grid paper notebooks.)
    5. Appreciate every day with my kids, even when having them makes my life almost unbearably busy, because they are not going to live with us forever and they’re just getting good and I don’t want to wish even a second away.
    6. Run regularly, even though I don’t love it.

  2. Love it! Blog looks good! I have a lot of similar goals, though I hadn't associated them with resolutions. But I do want to do a garden this year - I've got the perfect spot for it! I've decided to be a better friend which includes inviting more people over and keeping in touch with old friends better. And we've started as a family to set monthly goals discussed every first monday of the month. So far, Ellie has been doing the best this month! It's a lot easier to keep monthly goals, I think!
