Monday, February 8, 2010

Resolution No. 6: Homemade Sandwich Bread

Remember the resolutions I made for this year?  Well, they're all under least most of them are...and I wanted to share the results of January's Resolution No. 6 with you.  The chosen typical market-fare was sandwich bread; instead of buying it, I made my own from scratch.  I know this is a bit tardy, seeing how it is February now, but I figure it's still close enough to count for January.  Let's just hope this doesn't snowball leaving me with two things to do when the busy month of December rolls around again!  Please note: I am not a professional chef and the photo storyboard you are about to see demonstrates this very well.  But it was still so worth it!


As you may have noticed, my dough didn't rise very well but the bread still tasted wonderful!  I'm a sucker for all things baked, and I think I have a mercy rule for my own baked goods that precludes them from needing to be pretty.  I've since made this bread again, taking it out of the mixer to knead it by hand, with much better results.  It rose beautifully.  Lesson learned: if the dough ball is too small to be efficiently kneaded by the mixer, take it out and knead it by hand.  Better safe than sorry.  And it's really quite wonderful and therapeutic to feel the warm, soft dough beneath your fingers as you push it to and fro.  If you're in a baking mood, try the recipe I used.  And be sure to let me know how it turns out!

What about you?  Have you baked anything delicious lately?

Oh, and don't is the last day to enter the giveaway!  You have until midnight.  Don't you think the hangers would make lovely shower or baby birthday gifts? 


  1. I have soooo been wanting to make some good, decent sandwich bread! I've been lazy and used the bread maker more times than I can count, and it's just not the same. The crust is too hard and the bread is too dense. So I can't hardly wait to try this recipe out. I'll let you know how it goes!

  2. Your photography is definitely much better than mine would be! I'm sure it was delicious. My favorite thing is the cute little hand dumping ingredients and little head peering into the bowl. Best sou chef ever, I'm sure.

  3. what a great idea! so proud of you for starting to chip away at your resolutions for 2010.

  4. Is that the same recipe you gave me in my recipe book? I haven't tried it yet, but it's been on my list of things to do. However, before I get to it, I'll be making Peppermint Meringue Chocolate Buttercream Cake and Orange-scented Bittersweet Chocolate Cake. You'll get to taste those this weekend... Yeah, I'm on a bit of a chocolate kick.

  5. Those sound so good! Hurry up and get here, weekend!

  6. I've totally been toying with the idea of making my own bread and this seals the deal. Looks so good. Actually, makes me want to have a PB&J, which I haven't had in forever.

  7. Aptly put, you have a pretty place to hang and peruse. The sandwich bread thing should have been our resolution. My husband and I make our lunches everyday and think we have killed our tastebuds with overly processes or overly healthy breads. It's crazy what our culture has done to this classic, clean medium.
    If we were to get a fine boule or loaf here in NYC, we could easily shell out $7. I bet you are saving your family a lot of dough (so sorry for that pun;-)?
