Friday, April 2, 2010

baskets and bow ties

While working on a yet-to-be-debuted project for my stationery line, I created some felt bows and flowers.  With Easter coming up, I decided to make one of the bows into a bow tie for my little boy.  I love bow ties on little boys! 



I also realized that the only basket we have in the house for him to use this Easter was one that had pink roses painted on the front.  It did fit with the spring theme, but just wasn't the right fit for a little boy.  So I changed it using some craft paint, fabric and hot glue. 


I'm thrilled with the results.  Hopefully the basket will last for years to come and the bow tie will be adorable, even if it only lasts a few Sundays and special occasions.  These projects have been so much fun to work on that I'm also planning to make a headband for my niece out of one of the felt
flowers.  Won't the two of them look cute together on Easter morning?


  1. I love love love the felt bow tie. He looks so dapper.

  2. With his cute bow ties and nice basket that he has..maybe someday your son become a successful businessman.
