Friday, June 11, 2010

have a lovely weekend (and a first birthday)

This week has been such a busy one!  I've been confused about what day it is all week long.  Isn't it funny how some weeks are just like that?  But lots of good things happened.  The bathroom sink, toilet and laundry sink are all in and working and the tub has been painted and put in to place.  My garden is miraculously still alive, even with my novice experience. 

And this weekend is a very special one.  Sunday would have been Lily's first birthday.  So bittersweet, but I'm determined to focus on the memories of her life because this is the day she lived.  Memories like holding her for the very first time.

Holding Lily

We're still deciding how to memorialize Lily's birthday.  We'd like to mark it as a tiny movement for good.  I think that's what we'll do.  She brought so much good.  It seems right to do good again on her birthday.  Will you help us by doing something kind for someone around you this

{image by my sister}


  1. I love how you are choosing to celebrate her birthdays. That is fantastic. Happy birthday to Lily. I'll definitely do something nice in memory of her.

  2. Thinking of you this weekend. We lost twin girls 7 years ago in April. Praying for comfort and peace for you.
