Tuesday, June 15, 2010

new logo and branding

As some of you may have noticed already, the blog underwent a minor makeover last night.  It's something I've been working on for quite some time and is an extension of the rebranding I've been doing on my stationery line.  I wanted something that was more versatile and clean and I'm very pleased with how it's turned out.  Here's a peek at how the shop looks now.


Be sure to pop over to see everything in its entirety.  Now that the logo and general branding are all in order I'm setting out to finish a few projects I've had in my mind for awhile now.  The shop will be filling up with more goodies in no time!  I'm excited...this is the very best part.


  1. Very pretty - I like it.

  2. Love it! I noticed just over the weekend that I'm running low on my stationery. :)
