Friday, January 21, 2011

What I'm Working On


WORK: The last few weeks the holiday rush has slowed down a bit and I've been able to get to work designing again.  My latest projects are these two cards, featuring illustrations of things that just belong together.  They were designed with Valentine's Day in mind but I think they'd also be great for a best friend or anyone you hold dear.


SPOTLIGHT: Have you seen the latest issue of Greetings, etc.?  Take a look at page 20 and you'll see my Ribbon Invitations!  It's Lily Jane Stationery's first magazine feature.  I'm flattered and pretty excited.

THE HOMEFRONT: It's been dinosaur week at preschool.  I've never seen my three year old so chatty about what he's done there...he is loving it.  So we're taking a trip to the dinosaur museum today to cap it all off.  

I'm also going to be finishing up the last of the New Year's purging; I've been going through every nook and cranny of my house cleaning out and tidying up.  There will be victory dancing when it's all done.

SOON TO BE: There's a sweet DIY project underway.  It involves chocolate and toothpicks and I can't wait to share it with you.  It's coming next week!

What have you been working on lately?  Any plans for the weekend?


  1. Yay! Congratulations!!!! That is amazing and I ADORE those ribbon invites! I've been obsessed with ribbons and bows lately, especially handdrawn ones! Yay!

  2. Wow! Congrats on the article! So exciting! Way to go!
