Friday, July 29, 2011


Hello, my dears!  I hope you've had a lovely week.  I've been busy working on a web redesign that I'll be sharing with you next week.  I'm so excited to share it with you all.  But I also have one bit of other news before I run off for the weekend, regarding my little bean.  First, it's not quite a tiny bean anymore but is growing by leaps and bounds and a very accomplished (and strong!) kicker.  Second, it's a boy!



We're very excited to have another little boy running around our house.  Brady can't wait for him to hurry up and grow so they can play together.  He's already requested that I "make the baby bigger and take it out so we can play with it, just for a little bit."  We have a few names we're thinking about but haven't been able to agree on one just yet so I was you have any suggestions for us?  What names for a baby boy do you love?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  See you back here on Monday.


  1. We've always liked Andrew (Andy) for a boy. Congratulations! I bet he'll be a mini-me of his big brother. :)

  2. My son's name is Harper, so I am a little partial to that name. :) Congrats on the new lil bean!

  3. We have Owen, which fits him perfectly. I also like Andrew, Brian, Henry, Leo...basically classic, manly names.

  4. Congratulations! 2 boys will drive you crazy, but it's good for them to have a playmate! Boy names: Mason, Merrick, Tyler, Lane, Devon, Colin ... Good Luck! Naming kids is difficult :)

  5. HOORAY!!! I've been dying to know but didn't want to bug you about it. :) Brady and new little man will be the best of friends. Also, Ryan has suggested we take the baby out of my tummy to hang out awhile too. It's much more endearing when a child suggests it.
